
  • #More than a little tired

    Had a decent nights sleep.  Up at my usual 4:20am.  Dressed and go down to the first floor for a little breakfast (fruit, cereal, 2 strips of bacon!).  Back to the second floor and into the Control Room by 5am.  After a little chit chat with the night shift about their activities, I'll grab my chair and re-arrange my 12 computer screens, telephone in reach, radios channels tuned in (work Communications radios ... NO music)  and start to grind.  6 running conversations at once, 5 more running conversations over the radio,  4 more jobs being coordinated via radio,  2 helicopter crew changes, another half a dozen phone calls and non-stop alarms on the control system that doesn't care who i'm talking to ... all before my 15 minute lunch at 11am.  grind, grind and grind some more till my 5:30 crossover meeting.  Still managed to get control of the facility control system, made everyone feel as thought they were the center of my world and i was there to cater to just each individual person with a problem, got all my work done except for one piece of equipment that I knew wasn't going to work, but what did I know, I'm not an engineer ... All I've ever done is work in the oil field for the last 30 years ... just start the damn thing.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH ... crash and burn, crash and burn, crash and burn.................................................


    If the sound of my voice seems to be getting louder and louder ..................................................... No I don't feel like putting in 16 hours today.  


    At least today was seafood day.  Plate full of fried shrimp, spicy potato and corn on the cob and a cool bottle of water.


    time for a shower ... jump in my rack ... close my curtains, so I don't disturb the 3 others I share a room with and strap on my CPAP.


    Hopefully I get to  sleep before 10 pm this time.  If it were up to me ... every freakin body on the rig should be forced to wear a CPAP .... tired of listening to all the bitchin about who snores!